Privacy Policy

Duel Row Privacy Policy

All websites are allowed to have links to any content, images, videos, presentations, or pages of Duel Row. But referring sites are not allowed to be embedded in the frame from Duel Row without the written permission of the authority. Other site links: There may be links to other sites in Duel Row. But Duel Row is not responsible for any content, pictures, videos or any unexpected data displayed on this linked site. Copyright law in Duel Row All presentations, videos, images, content, graphics, and pages used on this website are the property of the Duel Row. Therefore, the content of any Duel Row should not be reproduced or redistributed in any form or shape. Copying any content for any profitable organization or any commercial use is strictly prohibited. Guarantee Browsing the site does not mean that Duel Row is offering any warranty or guarantee. Duel Row reserves the right to remove or modify any content. There is no guarantee that website browsing will not be hampered. Any risk associated with browsing the website is borne entirely by the user. - Authority

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আইকে সরকার

ইমরান খান তার দেশের সংসদ ভেঙে দিয়েছে।  যুক্তরাস্ট্রের হস্তক্ষেপে  নওয়াজ শরীফ ও আসিফ জারদারী গং এর পেছনে কাজ করছে। এ কথা  বলছে সে দেশের সামাজ...